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A Study in Scarlet + CD
When Sherlock Holmes gets a letter from the police, he and his new friend, Dr Watson, have a difficult problem. Who is the rich man in the empty house? Why did he die? And, most important of all, will Holmes and Watson find the man who did it? Or will they be too late?

A Study in Scarlet is Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's first story with Holmes and Watson. Come and walk the dark streets of London with the great Mr Sherlock Holmes!


Plural nouns; Possessive ('s); Indefinite pronouns: some-, no-, any-, every- (body/thing); Subject and object Determiners; Ordinal numbers: first - hundredth; Quantifiers some/any, more; Distributives: another, other, each; Comparative adjectives: er/more + adjective... than,; Superlative: the -est (in/of), most + adjective; Negative questions; Present Continuous; Present Simple; Past Simple of listed irregular verbs; Common phrasal verbs with transparent meanings; Adverbs of frequency; Question words
