Kairosz és Metanoia kapcsolata retorikai fordulatként, az önfejlesztés és a tanulás módszereként is értelmezhető; amely a tapasztalás útján elősegíti a rugalmasabb alkalmazkodást az egyén meggyőződésében bekövetkező változásokhoz. Jelen könyv az ilyen változások költői adaptációja.
Life-altering events are accompanied by a wide range of unpleasant emotions. To put it mildly, these periods may be difficult and unpleasant. Yet in the end, this is how life functions and how we gain knowledge and experience in the struggle for existence. Metanoia is the Greek name for this procedure. As Kairos, the god of opportunity, passes by in Hellenistic Greek, Metanoia is left in his wake. At first look, Metanoia seems to be the epitome of regret--a somber figure writhing in guilt. Yet, metanoia is a notion that encompasses more than just regret. The relationship between Kairos and Metanoia may manifest as a method of self-improvement, a teaching aid, and a rhetorical strategy. Kairos and Metanoia foster both significant and subtle changes in belief that might increase one's knowledge and foster more sympathetic reactions. This book is a poetic adaptation of such changes.